
The Mahidol Migration Center (MMC) is part of the Institute for Population and Social Research (IPSR), and initially funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The MMC brings the efforts of the IPSR to shed light on the forces affecting migration in the region into focus, and help to disseminate information about migration more effectively.
The center acts as the primary outlet for migration-related information produced by IPSR and its partners. Its purpose is to gather and synthesize the large amount of migration data available; to collaborate with partners and organizations to form internal and international networks for theory and policy formulation; to act as a platform for advocacy; and to assist in the prioritization of resources to improve both internal and international migrants’ physical and mental well-being. The MMC, along with IPSR and Mahidol University hold this core humanitarian value, along with the goalof engaging in interdisciplinary and international collaboration, very dearly.
mahidol_mig_centreTo learn more about the research and activities of the MMC, please follow the Mahidol Migraton Centre’s webpage.

Contact Mailing Address

Mahidol Migration Centre
Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University
Salaya, Phutthamonthon
Nakhon Pathom

Director: Professor Aphichat Chamratrithirong

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