ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาพฤฒิวิทยาเชิงประชากรและสังคม (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ)

The International Joint Master’s Degree in Population and Social Gerontology is the collaboration between Mahidol University and Miami University, USA. The Program is structured that students spend their first year at Miami University and their second year at Mahidol University, and the degree is granted jointly by both Universities. The Joint Master’s Degree in Population and Social Gerontology is the first of its kind in the world and offers unprecedented opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and collaboration, as students move through the program as a cohort. Administrative support and valuable research experience for students are provided by the Scripps Gerontology Center (Miami) and the Institute for Population and Social Research (Mahidol).

DSC_0758This two-year Program combines specialties in population and social research and gerontology studies of the two universities. It is specially developed to respond to the future’s aging society and has a distinctive role to produce graduates equipped with expertise in research relating to the elderly in economic, social, cultural and health areas. Graduates of the Program can succeed as researchers, lecturers, policy analysts, marketing planners and social workers in this emerging field of aging.

For more information see the International joint MA in Population and Social Gerontology’s page.

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